Berliner Ringtheater (Photo: Toni Petraschk)) Berliner Ringtheater (Photo: Toni Petraschk)

The Berliner Ringtheater is a production venue where sociocritical New Drama and performative forms of presentation are staged. Its self-acclaimed slogan is »Macht Kritisch(es) Theater« as its aim is to develop a theatre that critically interrogates power structures. Since 2017 we have been providing young theatre makers with space for their themes, aesthetics and working methods. We support newcomers in their projects and accompany them in their long-term artistic development.

The Berliner Ringtheater’s program consists of up to six new in-house productions per season, which are developed by different groups of artists at the Ringtheater. An essential characteristic of the productions at the Ringtheater is that they interweave political ideas with stories and actions – thus allowing unusual perspectives on current issues. Queer feminist, capitalism-critical and decolonial perspectives, experimental forms and self-critical working methods are intertwined on an equal footing. The in-house productions are framed by restages, discursive panels, community-building programs, and guest performances. The program of the Berlin Ringtheater is largely curated from an annual open call.

The Ringtheater is run by a collective that aims to rethink common management structures of performing arts venues in a power-critical way. With our continuous self-critical questioning, we are developing a heterarchical organisational model characterised by democratic procedures, shared responsibility, and transparent and solidarity-based collaboration. The work of the collective artistic management is mainly done on a voluntary basis.

Since 2024 the Berliner Ringtheater on the site of Neue Zukunft in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Previously, it was located in the Zukunft am Ostkreuz and the Alte Münze Berlin.

Since 2020, the Berlin Ringtheater is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

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